Thank You For Partnering With Us

Ways To Give

Setup Reoccurring Giving
Setup a reoccurring donation via the Adventist Giving platform

Give Online
Simple and secure, make a one-time donation via the Adventist Giving platform.

Cash or Check
Cash or check donations can be dropped off at any of our giving boxes on campus or mailed to Relove Church at:
P.O. Box 11587
Santa Ana, CA 92711
Tithe and Offering
10% of our income belongs to God
The purpose of the tithe is for the spreading of the gospel. Most of it stays in your local conference, ”the storehouse,” to support pastors, education and evangelism. From there, the tithe is used to advance God’s work throughout the world at the Union, Division and General Conference levels. Tithing is divinely ordained by God and faithfulness to this practice is designed to be a blessing to us.
Proverbs 3:9–10: Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine.

Give via Zelle
We are able to accept donations via Zelle. Simply scan the QR or send donations to [email protected] on your banking website or app.